Thinking for Yourself
Chapter 8
Viewpoints: What’s the Filter?
In critical thinking, one should carefully examine viewpoints, understanding that if taken as reality, the viewpoints of others would not be considered. One should look at biases and the context in which viewpoints are taken. In literature, there are many points of views in which the story can be delivered, such as a first-person narrative or third person. The author must decide which viewpoint he will use in order to shape his story. Viewpoints can be conscious or unconscious. Jean Piaget believes that children under the age of seven experience egocentrism, seeing no other viewpoint than their own. Other examples of self identification viewpoints are ethnocentrism and religiocentrism. Through media reporting, quite often viewpoints can be hidden by the way an editor use layout design, placements, etc.
Building Arguments
Much has been said of what you term Civilization among the Indians. Many proposals have been made to us to adopt your laws, your religion, your manners, and your customs. We do not see the propriety of such a reformation. We should be better pleased with beholding the good effects of these doctrines in your own practices than with hearing you talk about them, or of reading your newspapers on such subjects. You say, “Why do not the Indians till the ground and live as we do?” May we not ask with equal propriety, “Why do not the white people hunt and live as we do?”
(Old Tassel of the Cherokee tribe, 1777)
1. What argument is Old Tassel refuting?
Old Tassel is simply stating that there are two viewpoints here, that of the Indians and White people. He is not completely sold on the idea that he should give up his way of life based on another’s viewpoint.
2. Given what you know about U.S. history from 1777 to the present, was Old Tassel’s viewpoint heard or understood by the white men?
No it was not. The Indians were considered uncivilized. They were not respected as an indigenous, well developed group completely capable of survival on their own native land. The white men have taken full control of land that was once occupied by the Indians.
3. How can you explain that Old Tassel could describe and compare the two opposing viewpoints while the white men only saw their own?
Old Tassel implies that after receiving the proposals offered by the white men, they see no reason to conform to their ideas and way of life. He made the comparison in the end asking “Why do not the white people hunt and live as we do?”
Critical Reading for College and Beyond
Chapter 8
Textbook Methods of Organization
Authors use methods of organization for the purpose of presenting information in a logical format. We as students can benefit in our studies by recognizing the organizational patterns being used.
Organizational word clues (OWC’s) reveal organization and patterns of the readings. Textbook methods of organization include the following:
Listing – shows steps, events or ideas chronologically.
OWC’s first, second, first of all, secondly, finally.
Analysis – breaks concept down presenting basic elements.
OWC’s – features, types, one way, classes, functions
Cause/Effect – shows why, the effects and outcome of event.
OWC’s – since, as a result of, therefore, because, may be due to, consequently
Comparison/Contrast – shows similarities and differences.
OWC’s – however, on the other hand, like, yet, although
Definition/Example – clarifies meaning
OWC’s – defined as, another meaning, is, also referred to as…..
Sequence – shows chronological order of events
OWC’s – first, second, then, next, following, order of events, steps
Exercise 8e page 261
Read the following, underline the definition/example OWCs. Identify the topic and main idea of the reading passage.
To solve this problem, psychologists typically use a procedure in which all participants receive a treatment, but those in the control group actually receive a placebo treatment. A placebo is a bogus treatment, such as a pill, “drug,” or other substance without any significant chemical properties or active ingredient.
Topic: Control Group Treatments
Main idea: Those in the control group actually receive a placebo treatment.
Question #1 What is a placebo
Visual representation Placebo -
Bogus Treatment - 1. Pill 2. drug 3. other substance
Monday, November 3, 2008
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