Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter 11 CRCB Summary and Exercise

Chapter 11 CRCB
Reading, Understanding, and Creating Visual Aids

Visual aides help the reader better understand the material. There are many different types of visual aides. A few examples are Charts and tables, diagrams, illustrations, graphs, time lines and outlines. You will find that when creating your own visual aide, you must first have a good understanding and be able to organize and prioritize the information, then put it in a logical format.

Chapter 11 CRCB
Reading, Understanding, and Creating Visual Aids
Exercise 11c
Reading Illustrations

What is the purpose of the visual?
To show the brain activity while sleeping.

What parts of the brain are active during sleep, according to Figure 11-2?
Complex visual processing
Memory formation

According to Figure 11.2, which part(s) of the brain is inactive during sleep?

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