Monday, December 1, 2008

Chapter 12 CRCB Exercise 12K

Chapter 12
Critical Reading for College and Beyond
Exercise 12k

Detecting Fallacies

Read the following arguments and determine if they contain a fallacy or error in reasoning; if so, identify what kind it is. The first one is modeled for you.

1. If you don’t get good grades, you’ll never get to college.
If you don’t get into college, you’ll never get a job.
Therefore, you’ll end up a homeless person in some major city.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited?
Slippery slope (an event will precipitously lead to another event, which will lead to another event, and so on.)

2. Flowers are so beautiful in the springtime.
The air seems cleaner and the grass seems greener.
In my opinion, there is something so rejuvenating about the onset of spring.
Error in reasoning? None
If so, which fallacy was commited?

3. The doctor said that I could either stick to his diet plan, or accept being overweight.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? Either/Or (allows for only two answers to a problem when in fact there may be more)

4. Ima Geeke, mayoral candidate, suggest changing several local laws. She believes that the laws need to be more reflective of the times. She’s just a generation X’er; what does she know?
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? Ad Hominem (they avoid the true issue by attacking the person they disagree with)

5. Every student who earns a 3.0 grad point average or higher is eligible for the Lah D. Dah scholarship. I have a 3.2 GPA. If I apply, I could get the scholarship.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? Circular Reasoning (make two statements that essentially say the same thing)

6. If I go to the casino with Andy, I know that I’ll win money.
The first time I went to the casino with Andy, I won $10.
The second time, I won $50.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? False Claim (fails to explain how the conclusion and reasons are connected to each other, or provides unclear or faulty connections)

7. Judy gave an outstanding presentation in class today, and I admit that she seems like a good candidate for student council. But I am leery of someone whose parents support euthanasia.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? Red Herring (introduce irrelevant material to distract readers) or Ad Hominem ( avoid the true issue of an argument by attacking)

8. It’s easy to prove that Santa Claus exists. Most people do believe in Santa, even if they are not able to define exactly what they mean in the same way. To some it means a real person living in the North Pole. To some it’s a spirit of giving, a supernatural force. And to others, he’s a saint. But setting aside the differences in these interpretations, we can be confident that there is a Santa because Santa would not cause so many people to believe in him if he did not exist.
Error in reasoning? No
If so, which fallacy was commited?

9. I’m not bringing my brother to the Rangers’ football games anmore. Every time I bring him, the team loses.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? False Cause

10. May Aspirin will help relieve headaches because May Aspirin contains a secret new ingredient, which serves to increase the strength of relief it provides. What is the secret ingredient? It is an ingredient that has the ability to provide relief from headaches. So buy May Aspirin and get relief from your headaches.
Error in reasoning? Yes
If so, which fallacy was commited? Circular

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